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2019/08/10 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][大主宰][The Grand Lord][2019][01-02][60_FPS][AVC][GB][1080P] 1.6GB 28 1 9 GMTeam
2019/08/10 动画 [GM-Team][魔道祖师 羡云篇][Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation:Xian Yun][04][AVC][GB][1080P] 213.5MB 102 0 23 GMTeam
2019/08/10 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][斗罗大陆][Dou Luo Da Lu][Douro Mainland][2019][64][AVC][GB][1080P] 544.2MB 0 0 0 GMTeam
2019/08/10 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][异常生物见闻录][The Record of Unusual Creatures][2019][07][AVC][GB][3840×2160] 1.3GB 9 0 4 GMTeam
2019/08/10 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][异常生物见闻录][The Record of Unusual Creatures][2019][07][AVC][GB][1920×1080] 991.9MB 38 0 10 GMTeam
2019/08/10 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][77][饕餮之徒][AVC][GB][1080P] 386.6MB 0 0 0 GMTeam
2019/08/10 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][太乙仙魔录 灵飞纪 第3季][Magical Legend of Risc to immortality Ⅲ][04][AVC][GB][1080P] 187.3MB 25 0 10 GMTeam
2019/08/10 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][三国演义 第2季][Romance of the Three Kingdoms SeasonⅡ][17][AVC][GB][1080P] 415.6MB 0 0 0 GMTeam
2019/08/04 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][灵笼:INCARNATION][Spirit Cage:Incarnation][2019][03][AVC][GB][1080P][No Logo] 622.6MB 46 0 13 GMTeam
2019/08/04 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][汉化日记][God Troubles Me][04][AVC][GB][1080P][No Logo] 336.6MB 11 0 8 GMTeam
2019/08/03 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][太乙仙魔录 灵飞纪 第3季][Magical Legend of Risc to immortality Ⅲ][01-03][AVC][GB][1080P] 846.7MB 0 0 0 GMTeam
2019/08/03 动画 [GM-Team][魔道祖师 羡云篇][Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation:Xian Yun][01-03][AVC][GB][1080P] 790.1MB 130 2 31 GMTeam
2019/08/03 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][斗罗大陆][Dou Luo Da Lu][Douro Mainland][2019][63][AVC][GB][1080P] 552.5MB 137 1 42 GMTeam
2019/08/03 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][异常生物见闻录][The Record of Unusual Creatures][2019][06][AVC][GB][3840×2160] 1.2GB 13 1 3 GMTeam
2019/08/03 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][异常生物见闻录][The Record of Unusual Creatures][2019][06][AVC][GB][1920×1080] 943.6MB 53 2 13 GMTeam
2019/08/03 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][76][凝脂柔荑][AVC][GB][1080P] 369.7MB 64 6 30 GMTeam
2019/08/03 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][三国演义 第2季][Romance of the Three Kingdoms SeasonⅡ][16][AVC][GB][1080P] 375.7MB 63 0 15 GMTeam
2019/07/28 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][汉化日记][God Troubles Me][03][AVC][GB][1080P][No Logo] 281.8MB 30 0 9 GMTeam
2019/07/27 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][灵笼:INCARNATION][Spirit Cage:Incarnation][2019][03][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4 共1条留言 1.2GB 0 0 0 GMTeam
2019/07/27 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][Dou Luo Da Lu][Douro Mainland][2019][62][AVC][GB][1080P] 542.1MB 139 0 40 GMTeam
2019/07/27 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][异常生物见闻录][The Record of Unusual Creatures][2019][05][AVC][GB][3840×2160] 1.4GB 0 0 0 GMTeam
2019/07/27 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][异常生物见闻录][The Record of Unusual Creatures][2019][05][AVC][GB][1920×1080] 1.0GB 47 0 8 GMTeam
2019/07/27 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][75][祸起人为][AVC][GB][1080P] 366.6MB 45 1 21 GMTeam
2019/07/27 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][三国演义 第2季][Romance of the Three Kingdoms SeasonⅡ][15][AVC][GB][1080P] 358MB 57 0 10 GMTeam
2019/07/21 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][汉化日记][God Troubles Me][01-02][AVC][GB][1080P][No Logo] 599.9MB 0 0 0 GMTeam
2019/07/21 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][灵笼:INCARNATION][Spirit Cage:Incarnation][2019][02][AVC][GB][1080P][No Logo] 478.1MB 0 0 0 GMTeam
2019/07/20 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][异常生物见闻录][The Record of Unusual Creatures][2019][04][AVC][GB][3840×2160] 1.2GB 11 0 4 GMTeam
2019/07/20 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][异常生物见闻录][The Record of Unusual Creatures][2019][04][AVC][GB][1920×1080] 984.6MB 67 0 15 GMTeam
2019/07/20 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][74][莲步危局][AVC][GB][1080P] 353.2MB 70 1 34 GMTeam
2019/07/20 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][三国演义 第2季][Romance of the Three Kingdoms SeasonⅡ][14][AVC][GB][1080P] 411.9MB 60 0 11 GMTeam
2019/07/20 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][斗罗大陆][Dou Luo Da Lu][Douro Mainland][2019][61][AVC][GB][1080P] 532.3MB 160 0 46 GMTeam
2019/07/14 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][崩坏星河][Beng Huai Xing He][Galaxy Devastator][01-12][AVC][GB][1080P] 3.4GB 91 2 13 GMTeam
2019/07/14 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][崩坏星河][Beng Huai Xing He][Galaxy Devastator][12][AVC][GB][1080P][END] 325.2MB 21 1 8 GMTeam
2019/07/13 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][灵笼:INCARNATION][Spirit Cage:Incarnation][2019][01][AVC][GB][1080P][No Logo] 753MB 45 2 16 GMTeam
2019/07/13 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][灵笼:INCARNATION][Spirit Cage:Incarnation][2019][02][AVC][GB][1080P] 1.3GB 183 0 50 GMTeam
2019/07/13 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][灵笼:INCARNATION][Spirit Cage:Incarnation][2019][01][AVC][GB][1080P] 1.7GB 126 0 30 GMTeam
2019/07/13 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][斗罗大陆][Dou Luo Da Lu][Douro Mainland][2019][60][AVC][GB][1080P] 523.8MB 137 0 104 GMTeam
2019/07/12 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][异常生物见闻录][The Record of Unusual Creatures][2019][03][AVC][GB][3840×2160] 1.3GB 19 0 6 GMTeam
2019/07/12 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][异常生物见闻录][The Record of Unusual Creatures][2019][03][AVC][GB][1920×1080] 1.0GB 0 0 0 GMTeam
2019/07/12 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][73][赤心似练][AVC][GB][1080P] 353.1MB 58 1 20 GMTeam
2019/07/11 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][雄兵连II 诸天降临][The Black Troop Ⅱ The Arrival of Deities][01-26][AVC][GB][1080P] 8.2GB 104 5 13 GMTeam
2019/07/11 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][雄兵连II 诸天降临][The Black Troop Ⅱ The Arrival of Deities][26][天启王][AVC][GB][1080P][END] 471.5MB 43 1 28 GMTeam
2019/07/10 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][72][如日方升][AVC][GB][1080P] 359.8MB 68 2 25 GMTeam
2019/07/10 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][三国演义 第2季][Romance of the Three Kingdoms SeasonⅡ][12-13][AVC][GB][1080P] 820MB 73 0 10 GMTeam
2019/07/10 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][崩坏星河][Beng Huai Xing He][Galaxy Devastator][11][AVC][GB][1080P] 327.1MB 0 0 0 GMTeam
2019/07/10 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月特别篇:空山鸟语][Qin Shi Ming Yue:Kong Shan Niao Yu][2014][01-03][AVC][GB][720P] 1.1GB 0 0 0 GMTeam
2019/07/07 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][武庚纪:逆天之决][Wu Geng Ji Ⅰ][2016][01-30][AVC][GB][1080P] 9.7GB 13 0 9 GMTeam
2019/07/07 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][01-60][AVC][GB][1080P] 20.5GB 0 0 0 GMTeam
2019/07/06 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][异常生物见闻录][The Record of Unusual Creatures][2019][02][AVC][GB][3840×2160] 1.2GB 5 1 6 GMTeam
2019/07/06 动画 [GM-Team][国漫][异常生物见闻录][The Record of Unusual Creatures][2019][02][AVC][GB][1920×1080] 919.9MB 23 6 10 GMTeam